Thursday, February 8, 2007

War & Peace
Dignity, Justice, Peace & Love

Make love, Not war. And peace, brother.

This is the 21st century and the world is still a dangerous and violent place.

Nothing has quite changed except the level of brutality, the level of suffering and the sophistication of weapons of war.

That is why initiatives like the Perdana Global Peace Organisation conference/Exhibition, "Expose War Crime:Criminalise War" should be supported.

Whatever it takes, as they say, to put an end to war and mass killings.

Today is the last day of the three-day conference at Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur.

We don't know how far the resolutions taken at the conference will go. If they don't go far, it will not be due to a lack of trying, surely.

One strong proposal is to set up a tribunal to try George W. Bush and Tony Blair for war crimes in Iraq.

Today, the delegates will formally launch the tribunal.

Our former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who is the man behind the Kuala Lumpur initiative, had said that while the tribunal will not have the legal authority of any international organization and will not be able to impose penalties, its aim is to condemn the accused in history books.

For example, if the tribunal found Bush guilty, he would not be hanged like Saddam Hussein was hanged. But he should always carry the label 'War Criminal, Killer of Children, Liar.

That's what Dr Mahathir said.

And I'd like to see that happen. I really do.

And I would like to say this again-- a blast from the past, from those Woodstock days -- "Make Love Not War"!


1 comment:

Mika Angel-0 said...


"..why initiatives like the Perdana Global Peace Organisation conference/Exhibition, "Expose War Crime:Criminalise War" should be supported" ???

I ask your a question, from one Mara Cong to another, Ruhanie:

"The KLWCT should be a farce by any way you look at it, don't it?"

What are we if not Muslims and ikhlas rules most if not all of our acts.

What are we if not insans Allah Ar-Rahmannir-Rahiim and decency and justice reign in our humanity compassionate.

Let not a noble act and our nobility we sold it all for a few pieces of cheap dirhams, blinded by the glitterings of this world.

KLWCT should never be a farce by any decency of our honour and humility seorang manusia.

That would be a real pity, Ruhanie.